Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Right Spot

My ridiculous Tweetie Girl! My mom has me taking her molasses treat every afternoon (Majesty Flex Wafers). Flea trots right up when I whistle now, so she was at my side the minute I climbed the fence. But after she finished chewing the treat, she maneuvered herself so that she was standing next to me with her shoulder at mine. I could tell exactly what she wanted me to do!
Flea loves to be scratched, but that's not what I find so amusing. As soon as I begin itching her shoulder and withers, she takes one step forward, then maybe a step back. She keeps moving until I'm scratching just the right spot. ... Then she stretches out her neck and her lips twitch. It amuses me to no end. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Four-legged friend

It's the way she nods her head, when I stroke her velvety nose
The way she always knows, the path I haven't even chose
The way she shifts a little closer, when my day hasn't gone like it should
All the maybes, ifs, and coulds
It seems she understands those too

When I haven't even pressed my heal to her side
she picks up her stride.
When I'm blushing so hard, I think I might die
She won't tease or make me cry
Sometimes it's the ones who can't speak, who say the most

The girls who sit and giggle, and snicker, and stare
They simply just can't compare
to the one who sits so patiently as I stand and braid her tail
telling her all my thoughts, that I know she'll never tell
She's my dearest friend

She comes when I call
She trots when I say go
She has a sense of humor
And she seems to read my mind

Homeschooling and Bareback riding

Today was my first day of school. I'm sure that September 7th is rather late compared to when most people start. However, I rather enjoyed my extended vacation. Flea and I haven't been out riding much, but, with some extra vacation time, we've been exercising together almost every morning. But that actually all started with a game...
Now, more experienced riders might tell me that I shouldn't have let her... but I guess It was just a little hard to resist =) 
When my brother first went back to school, I decided that I had the perfect opportunity for a ride, so I got her tack, and brushes, and went out to catch her. She's rather playful, and has never been easy to catch without some sort of treat, but on that day imparticular, she decided it would be fun to run from me. So, with her halter in my hand, I stalked her around the field, each time I came within a few feet, she'd canter a few more yards away. I'm sure she was laughing at me the entire time. I was certainly ready to give up after about five minutes of this. 
After one more try, she finally let me put her halter and and tie her up to groom her. But when I went out again the next day, she did it again. It actually took about three days for her to grow bored of the game. She comes at my whistle now, but i'm sure that part of her still thinks it might be fun to play chase again. This afternoon specifically, after I had finished Algebra 2 and US History, I went out to lunge her before riding. She looked to the left and right before actually coming... I bet she was contemplating the idea!